This section displays galleries per format. The fakes gallery doesn't belong to this section and can be accessed from the Fakes page.
Click on the vinyl logo to access a list of all vinyls formats from 1987 and 1994, and links to each dedicated gallery. You'll find below shorcut links to our 5 vinyl galleries:
- 1987 black vinyl release
- 1994 black vinyl release
- 1994 grey marbled vinyl release
- 1994 white vinyl release
- 1994 peach vinyl release
Click on the CD logo to access a list of all CD formats from 1987 and 1994, and links to each dedicated gallery
Click on the Tape logo to access a list of all cassette formats released in 1994.
Help wanted
If you own a vinyl, CD or tape that is not listed here, feel free to contact us (see contact form) to help us completing our databases, lists and galleries. team